Monday, January 13, 2025

What Rudy's SECOND Contempt Order In Two Federal Courts, In A Week, Means...

I wanted this to get the full ride of a Monday morning traffic burst, so here it is. [Prior backgrounder, here.] The former "Hizzoner" still faces a felony trial in Arizona federal courts for his efforts to defraud the 2002 electoral process there. That may, along with these two civil contempt citations. . . send him to jail.

So, he been ordered to shut his mouth about the Georgie workers. He's going to be ordered as early as today to put the World Series rings in the hands of the US Marshals -- in USDC Judge Liman's Manhattan courtroom -- for "safe-keeping" -- since he and his son cannot be trusted to comply with clear court orders.

He still has to answer on contempt this coming Thursday in Manhattan for his hiding of assets owed to the Georgia election workers. In sum, the man will now lose his Florida condo, and will need to rely of friends for shelter. He is nearly broke, disbarred and increasingly demented in his speech patterns. What a mess. Here's that Friday order, in full -- and a bit:

. . .The Court finds, based on clear and convincing evidence, that defendant violated the Consent Judgment. The Consent Judgment, to which defendant agreed and requested that this Court enter, see Stipulation and Consent to Entry of Final Judgment, ECF No. 14, contains a provision that permanently enjoins him from engaging in conduct described in part (a) and part (b). Consent Judgment at 5. He violated part (a), which enjoins defendant from making “any statements that suggest that Plaintiffs, whether mentioned directly, indirectly, or by implication, engaged in wrong-doing in connection with the 2020 presidential election,” by making at least. . . four [completely false and slanderous and libelous] statements in three talk show videos that were live streamed to social media on November 12, 14, and 19, 2024. . . .

Defendant [Giuliani] understands and acknowledges that no factual matter set out in the Freeman I Sworn Testimony or the conclusion reached in the Georgia Report of Investigation, referenced in paragraphs 1 and 3 above, has been contradicted or otherwise undermined in any way by any other sworn testimony or formal report issued by any government body; it is further

ORDERED that defendant shall be assessed a $200 fine for each day that defendant does not comply with this condition after January 20, 2025, which fine shall be paid directly to plaintiffs’ law firm as partial reimbursement of the attorneys’ fees and costs. . . .

The man is unlikely to live very long, if he does end up in the Bureau of Prisons in Arizona some time in 2026. His health is just too frail. But this is the path he's willfully chosen. And Tangerine has no power to pardon those state level felonies. [And trivially, my Broncos came up short yesterday afternoon in Buffalo against the great Josh Allen.] Onward.


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