Friday, December 13, 2024

Ugh. Texas AG Paxton Now Tries To Sue NY Doctor… Who Never Entered Texas: NY Shield Law In Play.

A young woman in Texas (not the one in my legacy graphic) was prescribed medical treatment (an FDA approved abortion drug) by telemedicine, from the state of New York.

Ken Paxton now tries to use the plainly unconstitutional Texas "laws" to prosecute the New York doctor. It may take some time, but he will. . . fail. Here's a bit:

“The New York shield law exists to prevent Texas from having any ability to get someone in New York who is following New York law into Texas court in any way,” said David Cohen, a law professor at Drexel University.

Cohen said New York’s law requires the state to refuse to order Carpenter to comply with Texas’ court orders, which effectively will leave Texas no defendant to bring this suit against. . . .

These Texas government employees need to accept that the rest of us -- gladly staying outside their borders. . . need not follow their loony "laws". End of discussion. Damn.


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