Monday, December 2, 2024

Just A Minor Post Scriptum... If The Resistance 2.0 Is Needed -- It Is Ready, At The Federal Courthouse Doors.

We write this morning only briefly, to mention that most on the MAGA / Frothy Hard RightTM have. . . a dirty little (non-) secret: All of these boys (and they are mostly whyte boys) knew it was wrong for Tangerine to pardon Bannon (charity frauds), Flynn (lying under oath about documents; election lies), Kushner Sr. (IRS frauds), Roger Stone (election fraud and Proud Boys / J6 BS) -- and about a dozen others, including his other daughter's father in law. . . and a sheriff in Florida's father in law (on gun and drug charges) -- who will now advise on Mid-East matters.

But it is more than just wrong. It is. . . dangerous, that these crooks are part of the Trump Administration (to come). [None of Mr. Biden's handful of coming pardons will ever hold elective or appointed office. Ever.]

Even so, I do have faith that the Senate and the federal courts will blunt most of what Tangerine hopes to do. It is just a very costly way to get good (or at least better) government: to have to litigate for it.

What a waste of federal court time.

But so be it. See you in court, boys. Resistance 2.0 is all primed -- and ready to file, in federal District Courts in. . . Colorado, California, Illinois, NY, NJ and DC!



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