What I am gleaning from her, here day by day, is that "Resistance 2.0" will be a more subtle, and nuanced effort (especially in the period before the next mid-terms, in 2026) than the 2017-2021 version -- even though it will also feature lots of federal litigation, outright (especially on border matters).
These Senators will never fear a Tangerine primary threat, again. That matters, quite a bit.
And so, again today she notes the tentative emergence -- of spines, among the Art. I Republicans in the Senate. Just 13 people voted, in secret, on the first ballot, for MAGA endorsed Tim Scott, as majority leader. [So, only a quarter of the GOP toed Trump's line in the sand, on Scott.] Thune was chosen, in secret -- on a second vote -- plainly against Tangerine's wishes.
This makes for some very credible / at least possible ally building discussions, among Democrats of good will, who simply do not want to see the Republic slide into an autocracy. The votes are there, with those others inside the regular GOP (who chose to cross Trump) -- to rein in many of Tangerine's hoped-for most lawless maneuvers. Especially in confirmation hearings, for cabinet level positions.
Let's listen in, to EW's keen analysis:
. . .[A]fter [R., Sen., Alaska] Lisa Murkowski said (in a little-noticed Alaska interview) that she won’t vote to confirm any Trump nominee who has not undergone an FBI background check, four more Senators — Susan Collins, Kevin Cramer, Rounds, as well as Joni Ernst — joined Murkowski in expressing support for background checks (though without making them a litmus test), with Bill Hagerty scoffing at the entire idea that they’re necessary.
There are far too many Democrats dismissing the possibility that there can be meaningful opposition to Trump from Congress. The Senate, especially, held up some of Trump’s plans the first go-around, even before he sicced an armed mob on them. And if nothing else, these people love their own prerogatives, and so will — at least selectively — defend those (as the bid to insist on FBI background checks would be a means to do). . . .

Bank on that.
So -- (with truly minor dissenting notes) we march, onward. Do read her, daily. She's that good!
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