Saturday, October 12, 2024

UPDATE: No One In Close Contact (With Any Marburg Patient) May Leave Rwanda, Now -- For 21 Days Minimum...

This is, in my estimation, a sensible and moderate curtailment of personal liberties -- to keep both Rwandans -- and the wider world. . . safe. If a putative traveler wishes to board a plane or train, s/he must fill out a questionnaire, to determine if they've been in close proximity of a known Marburg case -- and to then be tested. They must be symptom free for 21 days, before travel will be authorized by the Rwandan government authorities.

Of course, people will likely still slip across local interior borders unnoticed, on foot, or by car or scooter, but getting out into the wider world generally (and off-continent, certainly) requires a plane ride -- or a very long train trek -- so health ministers have now imposed a partial travel ban, forbidding anyone who has been exposed to the virus from leaving the country. [At least until they pass a 21 day "no symptoms" waiting period.]

This measured, prudent move seeks to stop the outbreak from spreading beyond its borders. And here is the latest on it all, from the UK's Sun newspaper:

. . .An outbreak of Marburg virus, which is a close cousin to Ebola, was first confirmed in Rwanda at the end of last month.

The country has now imposed a partial travel ban, forbidding anyone who has been exposed to the virus from leaving the country.

The move seeks to stop the outbreak spreading beyond its borders.

People wanting to travel abroad from Rwanda will have complete a questionnaire within 24 hours of their departure to report suspicious symptoms, the Rwandan Ministry of Health said. . . .

Do recall that last week, the US CDC began screening arriving Rwandan passengers for Marburg's. Now you know. . . and separately, in at least five US states, the drug resistant mpox virus has been recorded, in small clusters.

In any event, onward, on a glorious fall weekend morning -- and evening, with Buffs in action at home. Smile.


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