Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Three Years Of Prison, For Violations -- By US Citizens -- Of 18 USC § 953... Hey Tangerine... This YOU?!

It is now confirmed by Vladmir Putin -- that he had private phone conversations (on at least seven occasions), with the Tangerine, while he was running for preznit, this cycle (2024).

I read somewhere. . . somewhere. . . Oh. Right. . . .

It is in. . . 18 USC § 953, that private US citizens (on US soil) are to report person to person contacts with sanctioned country leaders through, and to, the US State Department. And unless the State Department authorized the contact-back, there must be no additional conversations. But there were. . . at least seven of them. All clandestine.

Report to State?! This, I am 100% certain, Tangerine did not do. That is a three year prison stint, under 18 USC § 953. [You could look it up -- I did.] Heh.

What did Trump promise Putin in those calls -- and how much oligarch money, through dark pools and Super-Pacs. . . has been dumped into Tangerine's coffers, in return?

We will likely never know.

But imagine the world learning that "Saint" Ronnie Raygun in 1980 (or decades earlier, Dwight Eisenhower, or JFK)... was chatting up Soviet dictators, on the sneak (prior to being elected to office, but still running for it)?!

The world would have dumped him out on his ear, to a person. [And we real patriots will, to a person, dump Tangerine, in favor of the first Black woman President, at left!]

D A M N A T I O N.

This jamoke is a real and present danger -- to all nations espousing ordered liberty, across the globe.




Anonymous said...

I don't like the term patriot. A patriot vigorously supports their country and is ready to defend it. EVEN FOR THE WRONG REASON. Which is what I see most people who call themselves patriots do.

condor said...

I do hear you, Anon.

But I intend to RECLAIM the term. Patriots also (as a matter of historical fact) used to peaceably disagree. . . with the powers that be, when that power was pursuing a lawless, or unconstitutional, course.

Just as too many now associate the flying of an American flag (out of the back of a pickup truck, at least) with the MAGA movement -- I intend to continue to proudly fly mine.

For almost all of Tangerine's term... I flew the colors upside down.

We need to stop "buying in" -- to the awful, ahistorical and small world Trumpism created. We must reclaim what these symbols and words mean.

Just my $0.02 -- so I did choose it with quite a bit of deliberate intent.

Namaste. . . and thanks!

Anonymous said...

I too make sure to fly mine to represent my belief in respecting differences of opinion, the ability to express them and petition in a lawful manner, etc. However, every time I do I'm afraid of it being misconstrued.

condor said...

Good on you! We will see sanity. . . Return. Namaste!