Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tangerine's 2020 Campaign Settlement Counsel Will have To Appear -- On November 20 -- To Discuss Damages To Be Paid To Eddy Grant In Manhattan.

Since summary judgment has already been granted -- to the owners of the rights to "Electric Avenue" (which Tangerine stole in his 2020 campaign ads), the discussion will center on how much he must pay for that theft of intellectual property.

Flawless -- and a high ranking officer from the 2020 Campaign (or if dissolved, as he has claimed -- his current one). . . must attend. Here is a bit from the three page order entered at the end of last week:

. . .No later than five (5) business days before the conference, counsel for each party must send the party’s Ex Parte Settlement Letter, marked “Confidential Material for Use Only at Settlement Conference” to [redacted] This letter should not be sent to the other parties.

The letter should include, at a minimum, the information described in paragraph 3 of the Procedures. The parties should exchange their initial settlement demands and responses in advance of their Ex Parte Settlement Letter submissions.

The parties -- not just the attorneys -- must attend the settlement conference. Corporate parties, labor unions, and insurance companies (or any other party that is not a natural person) must send to the conference the person ultimately responsible for giving settlement authority. The parties have represented that party representatives with full settlement authority to participate. . . .

Now you know -- and Eddy certainly deserves this payday. He absolutely earned it. Onward.


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