Friday, October 11, 2024

[U: Launch On Monday?] Clipper Mission Is Safe -- But No New Launch Date Yet, Post The Departure Of Hurricane Milton...

UPDATED -- Late on Friday, NASA posted this: ". . .NASA. . . [is] now targeting no earlier than Monday, Oct. 14, for the launch of Europa Clipper. Following Hurricane Milton, teams are continuing to do checkouts to ensure flight readiness. . . ."

End, updated portion.

As we mentioned, the Thursday launch was scrubbed -- due to Milton.

Next launch opportunity is likely mid-next week, but certainly no earlier than this Sunday. See here, for the full NASA update:

. . .Once the winds subsided to a safe level, the center’s Ride Out Team and engineering teams began initial checkouts to ensure bridges are safe and useable. Later, a larger assessment team will thoroughly check the entire center.

The agency’s Europa Clipper launch team will schedule an official launch date when teams from NASA and SpaceX are able to perform their assessments, and confirm it’s safe to launch. Teams are working to protect launch opportunities no earlier than Sunday, Oct. 13. Clipper has launch opportunities through Wednesday, Nov. 6.

NASA will provide more information on Clipper launch opportunities as it becomes available. . . .

Now you know. C'mon, you Buff fans -- show out, tomorrow night! And. . . baby girls here -- rest of the day, Friday. Park time! Woot!


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