Tuesday, September 3, 2024

With One Mpox Case Now Arriving In Jordan, That Makes Ten Nations -- And... Six, Outside Of Africa.

This Mpox outbreak is now in more countries outside of Africa, than were witnessed in either the 2018- or 2022- Ebola outbreaks -- and far more than any Marburgs outbreak. At six nations outside of Africa, it is still below where the 2013 Ebola outbreak landed, however -- but there, we saw over 14,000 deaths, globally. [But to be fair -- back then, we didn't yet have an approved vaccine.]

In any event -- pay attention: it can be lethal in up to 5% to 10% of cases, if not promptly treated. The WHO wants all health agencies worldwide to make this a top prevention / screening priority. Here's the latest:

. . .Jordan's health ministry has recorded an mpox case for a non-Jordanian resident, state news agency Petra said on Monday, adding that the case was currently in isolation.

The health ministry said the case was not the first for the kingdom, as it recorded one back in 2022.

The ministry said the case was a 33-year-old male, without identifying his nationality. . . .

Now you know -- and when you know better, you should do. . . better. Onward.


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