Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Needs To End His $10,000 A Month Contract With "Lawfair". It Is A Two Person Shop With Deep (Newly Former) Ties To Whyte Supremacy Theorists...

This is. . . deplorable. In a word -- deplorable. The lead lawyer at this "firm" was once a clerk for. . . Clarence Thomas.

He then hired a contract basis (it is claimed) co-lawyer, after winning a $10,000 a month retainer -- to aid the State of Tennessee in appealing the knock-down, of its anti-trans care laws. [See our prior coverage of the case, generally, here.] That case in now pending before the Supremes, for argument next term.

The only lawyer besides the former Justice Thomas clerk who worked at the firm Lawfair, during the relevant period was. . . an avowed whyte supremacist, with a decades-long history of posting racist / misogynistic crap on public websites, often in a derivative of his own given name. That he was recently let go. . . (after this came to light, no less!) is no reason for the taxpayers of Tennessee to continue to spend $10,000 per month, with the firm called Lawfair.

There are literally dozens of more competent, less racist, two-person shops all over the nation who could do as capable a job as these jamokes (this isn't even a local Tennessee firm -- it is a beltway / DC swamp shop, grown out of dank MAGA land). If Gov. Lee doesn't cut ties with this firm, it will be entirely fair for the Vanderbilt University Health System lawyers to ask -- at oral argument -- whether Gov. Lee's goal here is simply. . . ongoing oppression -- and political back scratching for odious racists who donate to the GOP coffers in Tennessee. Here's the latest, but we've covered this case for over a year now:

. . .A WIRED investigation reveals that one of two lawyers known to have worked for or with Lawfair, a firm working on a case that could affect minors’ access to gender-affirming care, has ties to accounts with long histories of posting white supremacist content. . . .

Now you know. Onward -- scowling -- at the former cross-dresser, one Tennessee GOP Gov. Bill Lee.


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