Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Do Not Let Them “Normalize” Unlawful Disrespect Of Marines’ Graves…

Over the long weekend, the hard right blogosphere collected a small list of people who "don’t mind" Tangerine’s politicization of war hero graves, at Arlington. And as always, this is nothing but a churlish attempt to "reframe" Trump's endless lawlessness.

Do not fall for it.

The frothy right ignores (nay, tries to bury!) the central legal issue in play here: I don’t care “who likes it” — or doesn’t like it, for that matter.

Trump and his people willfully violated 32 CFR Part § 553.32(c). They assaulted federal military cemetary employees. Again, they think the law's obligations are only for "the little people" — not them.

No, the hard right doesn't even burp, about Tangerine’s people assaulting and battering Arlington employees, just last week.

The whole defense amounts to some members of one family had “invited” Tangerine to Arlington, to be there. He holds no office. He has no purpose there, other than… yep, political campaigning.

So, unsurprisingly, the frothy right utterly ignores that Tangerine turned it immediately into a official campaign video — in direct violation of long-standing federal law. And they neglect to mention that one of the graves Trump is standing on, and grinning with his trademark “thumbs up” BS… belongs to a Marine, whose family has demanded he take it down, since THEY did not authorize him to include their son’s name (clearly visible!) in the photo/video. They repudiate Trump. [His name is available on request -- I've blurred it out, at below right, to keep MAGA loons from harassing the family.]

And this is precisely why federal law prohibits campaign video production inside Section 60 of Arlington. See, 32 CFR Part § 553.32(c): “…Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities…” [In Section 60, only official stock Arlington footage is allowed. No private filming. At all.]

Trump plainly cannot claim these dead — heroes all — support him. In fact, most of them despised him in life, after he called them suckers and losers. And called John McCain (effectively) a non-hero, for being a POW/shot-down Air Force F-4 Phantom pilot, in Vietnam. Disgusting.

The family of USMC Maj. [Redacted], who gave the full measure of his devotion to this country, when killed in action in Iraq, objects to your campaign video depicting his name, and tombstone — plain as day, in classic “false light” of publicity.

You MAGAts have no honor. No code. No corps. Out.


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