Thursday, August 1, 2024

USDC Judge Ezra Has Ordered A Status Hearing, On The Fifth's Lunatic Opinion -- Next Week.

This is an update, about the floating razor wire barrier case.

As our last update explained, the Fifth dissolved the injunction; and ordered proceedings in West Texas consistent with its ruling.

Judge Ezra has obliged. As I said he would, he will move forward to a trial. See -- there never was one. Only a preliminary hearing, to decide if enough evidence existed for the federal agencies to halt Texas's building of a razor wire barrier. He found there was, after lots of live testimony.

The Fifth, on a cold dead written record, disagreed. Fine. Now it is time for a full trial.

And already, Gov. Abbott is whining that the Fifth must delay that trial -- because he knows he is going to lose. So he barks up an insipid claim that the state (not a person) is entitled to a trial before a federal jury.

It isn't. It is not accused of any crime -- and it (as I say) is not a person.

So -- in a week, unless the Fifth en banc morons decide to fly down to Texas, and put their greasy thumbs on the scale, we will have an early October trial date reset.

Suck that, Texas MAGA Gov. Abbott -- and AG Paxton.



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