Wednesday, August 28, 2024

There's Been Some Inaccurate MSM Reporting, On The Biden Student Loan Measures -- At The Supremes...

The non-reasoned, one sentence order of this morning does only one thing.

It encourages the Eighth Circuit to make a quick decision, so that the whole dispute may be returned to the Supremes on the merits.

That's all. [As to politics, though today's tiny order is in some measure -- a cowardly punt by the far right justices, knowing that if as it seems increasingly likely, Tangerine loses in the November elections, there will be zero downside to agreeing that Mr. Biden does have the 1960s Education Act authority to do this.

Nothing else. Sure it COULD have lifted the temporary injunction, but it did not -- because it expects a speedy answer, here -- and a return to the high court, if Mr. Biden comes up short on his appeal. So this means. . . almost nothing.

And in any event, Madame President Harris, come January 2025, is very likely to re-instate it, with a few tweaks -- or even have the Democratic majorities in both chambers (by then) enact a legislative work-around. One that takes it out of the Supremes' ambit, altogether.

Alternatively, as we've said before -- the Supremes will ultimately rule (in about the seventh month of the 47th -- Harris -- Presidency!) that the program was a lawful exercise of Executive Power, under long-standing Congressional Acts.

Finally, I predict Tangerine (now behind in all reputable polls) will suffer a sudden, debilitating flare up of bone spurs -- and bow out of all debates with Kamala Harris. She will mop the floor with his toupée, if he is dumb enough to keep the debate date.

Go -- and be excellent to one another. Fight for the future of our relatively fragile but pluralistic dream. Out.


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