Saturday, August 10, 2024

So Tangerine -- Most Charitably -- Is An Increasingly Demented, Mentally-Infirm... Liar.

If he hadn't threatened to sue the NYT, for printing the unassailable truth -- this might have been only a silly footnote. . . about his endless need to lie.

But his threat led the NYT to call Mr. Brown (healthy at age 90!), who in turn called the Black politician (healthy at age 95!) actually in Trump's helicopter in the late 1980s. . . and confirm that. . . Trump thinks all Black JobsTM look alike.

So, now it is NOT just how preposterous (and racist) his lie was -- to try vainly to smear Kamala Harris about events of over 40 years past. . . it is the increasing sense that he cannot discern the truth, from all the lies he's spun -- over a half century's worth.

It is. . . that his mind. . . is largely. . . gone. Exactly the false charge he leveled at Mr. Biden, now is daily being confirmed -- about his own mental failings, from his own mouth -- on live videotaped sessions.

We could assume he was lying about all of it -- but were he even still a remotely-cunning liar, he'd have recognized that this lie is preposterous on its face -- and would instantly be fact-checked.

So I, for one. . . am willing to credit some of his humiliation here to pure. . . demented codger-dom.

Not a good look -- at all! -- for the purported GOP / 1600 Penn. '24 nominee.



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