Monday, August 5, 2024

Atlanta Area Amazon Workers Protest For Some Protection From The Heat: Untenable Working Conditions, In Non-Air-Conditioned Facility.

This was an item from last week, just getting to it. [And separately, the ALU in JFK8 voted in new management. Mr. Smalls is no longer the president.]

But down in Atlanta, the non-unionized workers are frustrated with a workplace that is like a roaster oven, in the summer months:

. . .On Wednesday, a group of Amazon workers in Atlanta picketed outside one of the company’s warehouses in East Point, calling for better working conditions and protection from extreme heat.

On the outskirts of the location’s security gate, picketing workers walk resolutely with signs in one hand and bottles of water in the other.

Joan Morris, an employee at the South Atlanta facility, states that on some workdays, the heat can become unbearable due to the lack of air conditioning. . . .

Now you know -- and with or without Mr. Smalls, the affiliated Teamsters will help this largely voiceless workforce of over 1.5 million people, nationwide. Onward.


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