The Supremes will ultimately rule (in about the seventh month of the 47th -- Harris -- Presidency!) that the program was a lawful exercise of Executive Power, under long-standing Congressional Acts. These GOP kids really know how only. . . to waste their own time.
Now, on the real news of the weekend -- I had actually hoped that Mr. Biden would have resigned two years ago, and given Kamala Harris about two years of track record to run on, since we all knew the felon-in-chief was going to. . . try to run again. I (naively, it turns out) believed the old line GOP would never nominate a guy with now over $500 million in fraud judgments tacked to his back, and 34 felony convictions entered against him -- with more, and more serious ones. . . yet to come.
I was wrong. These people know no. . . shame.
Yes, I find the way it ended. . . distasteful, but as a nation, we cannot run even a small risk that this walking crime spree is again at 1600 Penn. -- so some eggs had to be broken. I admire the grace and aplomb with which Mr. Biden has always conducted himself. He is the embodiment of a peaceful transition of power (like Washington, that -- "One Last Time" -- in the verses of Hamilton -- note how prophetic that bit of the reel, at the 2:10 mark appears, from the White House -- of about 2016).
Now -- I just chuckle that the GOP/MAGA thinks that making fun of the way Kamala Harris laughs. . . is going to sway the middle (a tiny fraction of undecideds) TO VOTE FOR an obvious felon, fraudster, sexual predator and. . . yes, demented old man -- losing his marbles. The exact knock he falsely laid at Mr. Biden's feet now applies to him -- in spades. He's the geriatric, cranky, bed-wetting candidate -- with no moral compass.
I predict he will suffer a sudden, debilitating flare up of bone spurs -- and bow out of all debates with Kamala Harris. She will mop the floor with his toupée, if he is dumb enough to keep the debate dates.

Go -- and be excellent to one another. Fight for the future of our relatively fragile but pluralistic dream. Out.
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