Monday, July 15, 2024

So... Clarence Thomas Sent Aileen Cannon A "Lawfare" Note, In His Dissent -- And She Improperly Adopted It: It Will Be Appealed.

This would all be high satire / comedy, if it weren't so patently obvious that the only "lawfare" underway in the US is by Federalist Society members / MAGA cultists. . . writing to one another in concurring / dissenting opinions (see at page 58, onward, there), that attract no other votes, and have zero effect, as to the force of law. [Except when dim-witted acolytes pick them up, and adopt them -- but then, only for a moment.]

Aileen Cannon, as many predicted, took Clarence Thomas' love letter to heart, this morning -- just in time for the Milwaukee GOP convention. Charming.

Jack Smith will and should appeal. Not one of the then-sitting Right Wing Supremes made this stupid claim about Ken Starr and Whitewater. [And yes Thomas reviewed that matter, nearly three decades ago.] I'll link her opinion (to preserve a record of her partisan nonsense / judicial incompetence) but not otherwise quote her. . . gibberish. Here's a press report, out of Miami, instead:

. . .The constitutionality of special counsels has repeatedly been tested and upheld in other courts. Challenges to special prosecutors that have investigated Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, have all been dismissed.

But Cannon took a novel approach to the former president’s legal argument, scheduling days of hearing and opening up the hearing to testimony from third parties to the case — a rarity in any federal trial court. . . .

Whatever. Onward to the Eleventh Circuit. This power is both constitutional, and important to the checks and balances of our system of ordered liberty. Jack will win, on appeal -- and Thomas will write a solo dissent, when it reaches the Supremes. But Ken Starr had the power, so again, Cannon will be handed her hind parts.

Y A W N.



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