Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shkreli Denouement Tangent: Exhibit A Now Filed; When A Judge Orders All "RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST" In The Wu- Forfeited... No Prior Contract Can Change That.

Let us review.

No; let us sum up:

Martin Shkreli's contract with the three parties (Wu- related parties) in 2015, under which he "bought" the Wu- (for "an undisclosed number of millions") is now on file in federal court in Brooklyn -- it is entertaining, as they say. But it is. . . meaningless, in this context.

Because whatever / however, whenever Martin got under that 2015 contract -- after he was convicted in 2018, of multiple financial fraud felonies, and a USDC Judge entered a final, now non-appealable felony forfeiture order (in favor of the US DoJ), to at least begin to pay-off the debts he had caused by his felonious behavior, Martin was DOA on the Wu-.

That March 2018 order, at the bottom of page 7, by operation of law says "whatever you ever had, related to the Wu-, or the Picasso or the Lil' Wayne / Carter6". . . is now forfeit. It belongs to the US Government, for resale -- to realize on, due the fact that both he refused to pay his debts, and refused to fully-disclose his financial holdings, to allow the government to seize his other assets and accounts.

In sum, Martin CHOSE to obscure, after conviction, his finances -- and so he lost the right to the collateral the government was previously holding, effectively as bail money.

Anything he tried to do after March of 2018, in or out of prison (2018 to 2024), was a nullity -- as to the Wu-, specifically.

Even if (improbably) he gave away copies pre 2018 to friends, and then the friends gave it back to him, after 2018 -- in say 2021, 2022 or 2023... the 2021 agreement with PleasrDAO specifically says Martin cannot benefit in any way from anything related to the Wu- property. He acknowledged there (again) that he had forfeited "all right, title and interest" in and to the Wu- in the first paragraph.

The sum up, then?

Martin loses -- his actions after 2018 were all... thefts, thefts from the US government, and after 2021, also thefts from PleasrDAO.

[And so -- some of this weekend's MSM reporting is inaccurate. Most say "Martin says" he had the rights -- but fail to note that a prior federal court order, in his felonies, prevented him EVER getting those rights. So it goes -- a minor point, but it will ultimately matter, to the able USDC Judge Chen, in her decision, in Brooklyn's federal trial courts.]

Out. On to watch the Olympics, and barbeque a rib-eye -- then the movie "Twisters", tonight. Woot!


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