Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Unsurprising Tangent: MDMA For PTSD, "Hits The Wall" -- Voted Down 10-1, At FDA Advisory Committee -- "Risks Exceed Any Benefit"…

Not terribly surprising, as this had a bit of the game plan the Sacklers employed (on oxy-) -- written all over it.

The relevant Advisory Committee at FDA yesterday voted 10-1 against approval, for a psychedelic candidate / controlled substance -- as a putative treatment for post traumatic stress disorder.

From Seeking Alpha, then -- a sensible squib:

. . .Psychedelic stocks Mind Medicine (NASDAQ:MNMD) dropped 10%, Atai Life Sciences (ATAI) -19%, COMPASS Pathways (CMPS) -15%, and Cybin (CYBN) -10% after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration voted against a therapy based on the mind-altering drug MDMA for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, marking a setback to the nascent field of psychedelic treatments. The panel voted 10-to-1, stating that the benefits did not outweigh the risks and that the available data did not show its effectiveness. . . .

Now you know, And I'm so sorry, Dr. Timothy Leary, but that time, it seems -- is at an end. Smile.


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