Saturday, June 29, 2024

[U: Better News, At Bottom.] Though Their Overall Geometry Differs Markedly -- Two Echoes -- Of The COVID-Era Monoliths Spotted Last Week, Out West.

After a week of some surreal and downbeat US political news. . . we will return to a joyous, if largely trivial public/performance arts story. Or, two of them, actually.

In the teeth of COVID (Spring 2020), most will recall that a monolith (likely stealthily dropped there a few years earlier by one John McCracken, as a parting legacy gift to the Universe) was first seen in the red rock desert of remote western Utah. From there, the fad / collective performance spread to Joshua Tree, and outside San Diego. . . and to Colombia, Romania and the Netherlands, even. Others were seen in the Aussie outback, near Uhuru, and New Guinea, even.

And then, there were no more. The first few closely followed the 3-5-7 geometry of McCracken's original. But these 2024 versions are both rectangular though, not three sided. Still very good fun. Carry-on, I say! Here's a bit from the BBC:

. . .A mysterious monolith has appeared in the Nevada desert over the weekend, sparking speculation as to what it may be and who is behind it. The structure was spotted by the Las Vegas Police Department, who said they saw it during a search and rescue mission north of the Las Vegas Valley.

“We see a lot of weird things … but check this out!” the police posted on social media.

The monolith is similar to other similarly puzzling ones that appeared around the globe in 2020. The tall, rectangular, reflective structure was spotted near Gass Peak, a hiking area in the Nevada desert just about an hour north of Las Vegas. . . .

[And subsequently, via Colorado Public Radio:] The shiny object appeared last week.

From a distance, it’s a tall, svelte, sparkling glint. You’ll know you’re close when you see a bunch of cars parked on the side of the road behind the Morning Fresh Dairy Farm near the community of Bellvue, and gaggles of people squinting, pointing and guessing what, exactly the rectangular curiosity is supposed to mean — or be. . . .

[But locals] since noticed there are unfamiliar tire tracks leading up the hill.

“I don't know what kind of cars aliens drive,” Graves asked, laughing. “Do you?”

There are other clues that at least some humanoids were involved in making The Monolith. It has a poured concrete base, which is attached to the object with the kind of nuts and bolts you’d find at the hardware store. . . .

Now you (sort of) know -- we believe firmly "You gotta' have. . . ART!"

Updated on Sunday 06.30.2024 -- the first snap polling is out, post the debate. It seems the small lead Tangerine had going into the debate has. . . disappeared. Huge surprise. People seem to prefer a thoughtful if slightly deliberate elder statesman, over a deranged, incontinent sociopath. . . whose first instinct is always to. . . lie.

Grinning into a baby girl Saturday night, now. . . be excellent to one another!


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