Monday, June 10, 2024

Last Week's Replayed ESA Video Feed, On EarthCARE Orbital Deployment...

We mentioned this potential launch in the last week of May, from Edwards AFB, in California.

It went off without a hitch, and so here is a replay of that success. EarthCARE, the most complex of all of ESA’s Earth Explorer missions, will quantify and reduce the uncertainty about the role that clouds and aerosols play in heating and cooling Earth’s atmosphere -- contributing to our better understanding of climate change. Here's a bit from the launch video, it should start at about a minute before liftoff:

. . .EarthCARE is a groundbreaking satellite mission designed to unravel the mysteries of Earth’s clouds and aerosols. EarthCARE will shed light on the role that clouds and aerosols play in heating and cooling Earth’s atmosphere – contributing to our better understanding of climate change. During our live coverage, we’ll hear from mission scientists and spacecraft operators, then follow the launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 from California, expected at 00:20 CEST on My 28, 2024. Live from ESA’s spacecraft operations centre in Germany, we take you into the main control room around 01:12 CEST for the satellite’s acquisition of signal – EarthCARE’s first sign of life from space. . . .

Now you know! Onward, as ever. . . grinning.


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