Sunday, June 2, 2024

Last Week, Merck's Shareholders, By Over 98-to-2 Margins, Voted DOWN Two Hard Right Activists' Proposals...

I am just dreadfully tired of the GOP/MAGA crowd telling us that they (and their consultants) represent most of the real people of America.

It is plain that they do not.

We waited a bit to post it -- as it is trivial (and to be clear, the shareholders overwhelmingly approved the pay-levels of the board & executives). . . so, this is no "apathy" non-vote:

. . .Shareholder proposal regarding a government censorship transparency report:

25,652,699 votes FOR

1,769,667,178 votes AGAINST

or an affirmative vote of 1.42% of the total votes cast. . . .

Shareholder proposal regarding a report on respecting workforce civil liberties:

36,532,781 votes FOR

1,764,002,836 votes AGAINST

or an affirmative vote of 2.02% of the total votes cast. . . .

Now you know -- the Boebert / Abbott / MTG / Trump crowds were behind the above. It didn't fair very well. . . not very well, at all. Onward, grinning.


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