Monday, June 17, 2024

Alex Jones / InfoWars Making False Claims -- About A Ninth Circuit Ruling, On COVID Vaccines...

Not surprising, here a week after a Houston bankruptcy court has ordered the seizing and selling of most of Alex Jones' personal assets, due to his lies about Sandy Hook. But he and InfoWars were also lying (I refuse to link it) -- when they utterly falsely claimed that the Ninth Circuit had ruled that the jabs at right are NOT vaccines, and thus cannot invoke the shield acts.

That is untrue -- all the Ninth Circuit said was that it is a fact finder issue, as to whether a given vaccine is effective enough to fall under the shield statutes' protections. That is all. Here's some plain English, on it all:

. . .Vaccines aren’t always 100% effective at preventing infection or transmission of a disease, but this hasn’t stopped them from significantly improving public health. According to the European Commission, vaccination is “one of the most cost-effective public health measures available”. This is supported by a systematic review of adult vaccinations against diseases including the flu, pneumonia, human papillomavirus (HPV), tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (TDaP), and hepatitis. . . .

Science Feedback also explained in previous claim reviews that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reduce the risk of virus transmission. This is accomplished by two mechanisms: reducing a vaccinated person’s susceptibility to infection, and reducing a vaccinated person’s infectiousness—specifically by reducing their ability to shed and transmit the virus to others.

In brief, the imperfect nature of vaccines in preventing disease transmission doesn’t mean that COVID-19 vaccines aren’t actually vaccines. Contrary to the plaintiffs’ claims, evidence from scientific studies show that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can reduce the risk of infection and virus transmission, albeit imperfectly. They also reduce the risk of severe disease and death. By this measure, COVID-19 vaccines are indeed vaccines. . . .

There you have it.


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