Monday, June 24, 2024

Again, ISS Spacewalk 90 Delayed: Suit Coolant Issue...

This morning, there was to be an electrical repair -- to a faulty electronics box -- on a starboard truss of the ISS antenna, via a space-jaunt, in suits.

But it was all over, before work really got started. [No new date has been set, for the walks. Just as no new date is set for the Starliner crewed de-orbit.]

Water leaks meant a scrub 30 minutes into the walk. Here's the latest on it all:

. . .NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Mike Barratt are back inside the International Space Station after U.S. spacewalk 90 ended early Monday due to a water leak in the service and cooling umbilical unit on Dyson’s spacesuit. The crew members were not in any danger as result of the leak. Dyson and Barratt set their suits to battery power at 8:46 a.m. EDT and opened the International Space Station’s Quest airlock hatch to the vacuum of space before reporting the water issue.

The spacewalk lasted a total of 31 minutes, when the crew suits re-pressurized the crew lock section of the airlock at 9:17 a.m. Dyson and Barratt removed their spacesuits at around 10:25 a.m. . . .

Now you know. Space is. . . indeed, hard. Onward.


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