Sunday, May 12, 2024

Rick Slayman, Age 62 -- After Over 60 Days Off Dialysis, And Living With A Transplanted Pig Kidney... Has Passed Away.

This is not so much to be seen as a woeful passing (from my perspective) -- as it may be a beacon of hope, for end stage renal patients worldwide.

That Rick made it off the operating table at all was a huge victory. In fact, he left the hospital and was living without dialysis -- at home, until he finally succumbed now 60 days on -- of likely unrelated causes. We have long written about the four decade journey -- the journey, that led to this moment -- this Slayman success, at Mass General. [Prior to Rick, no patient with a pig kidney had lived more than a week, all in the ICU.]

So. . . here's just one of those long ago (2009-era) backgrounders -- and here is the news of his passing, from the BBC (UK):

. . .Richard "Rick" Slayman, 62, was suffering with end-stage kidney disease before undergoing the operation in March.

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) said on Sunday there was no indication his death was a result of the transplant.

Transplants of other organs from genetically modified pigs have failed in the past, but the operation on Mr. Slayman was hailed as a historic milestone.

In addition to kidney disease, Mr. Slayman also suffered from Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. In 2018, he had a human kidney transplant, but it began to fail after five years.

Following his pig kidney transplant on 16 March, his doctors confirmed he no longer needed dialysis after the new organ was said to be functioning well. . . .

Now you know. And, be excellent to all mothers, everywhere -- today -- and always. Human... and all other kinds. All.



Anonymous said...

You may find this interesting.

My Congressman has limited my right to petition him to only via 1st class mail. So no webform or calling which everyone else has the right to do. (So increased cost, hassle, and delay.)

This abridgement was ostensibly due to excessive petitioning. (I had right around the end of last year had tried several avenues to make sure someone would see a petition on a time sensitive matter, when there probably weren't people in the office.) Although the communication abridging my right didn't come until later after another petition which he probably didn't like for partisan political reasons, which the abridging communication is kind of nasty about. Plus he was also likely very upset with me for some of my public speech about his failures. Which did not involve any sort of unprotected speech.

Unfortunately, an ethics complaint has not gotten anywhere. Complaints of criminal civil rights violations are unlikely to go anywhere. While a civil suit is likely to onerous and costly.

condor said...

That's really unfortunate. . . damn.

And it is true that the damages from having to use the paper mails, even without just cause therefore, likely will be so small as to make no suit worth the effort.

I'd just double up on. . . rolls of stamps!

Namaste, my friend. . . I do hear you.