Monday, May 20, 2024

Q1 GAAP SEC Results: Trump's Media Only Had Sales Of Around $770,000 -- And LOST... $327 MILLION!!! Insane!

Look. We all have long-known. . . he's a pure grifter. But this is. . . just. . . insane.

He likely has fewer than 100,000 regular users on the platform [to put that in perspective, X-itter likely has over 360 million regular users]; and the Devin Nunes led company almost certainly has fewer than 90,000 true retail stockholders. . . and it is losing about a third of a billion dollars every quarter now. Maybe a lil' less -- but the object lesson is. . . that the company WILL NOT disclose its industry-standard metrics on engagement, as it might "distract" (from the grift underway). More likely, they are so anemic as to suggest the ship is sinking -- and sinking, fast. [Sounds a lot like the dodge on his 1040, doesn't it?]

In any event, here's that quote from page 21 of the just filed SEC filed 10-Q:

. . .At this juncture in its development, TMTG believes that adhering to traditional key performance indicators, such as signups, average revenue per user, ad impressions and pricing, or active user accounts including monthly and daily active users, could potentially divert its focus from strategic evaluation with respect to the progress and growth of its business. TMTG believes that focusing on these KPIs might not align with the best interests of TMTG or its stockholders, as it could lead to short-term decision-making at the expense of long-term innovation and value creation. . . .

Got that? Devin Nunes and Fail-Son and Tangerine. . . are each more focused on the "long term prospects". . . for continuing the. . . grift.

Charming. This is a stock worth. . . about $1 per share, now -- not $48.


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