Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Natl. Security Tangent: Wyoming GOP Sen. Lummis Has Long Been A Backer (De-Regulator) Of Crypto- And BTC Miners. Somebody Please Give Her Office A Call.

Well. . . I guess. . . I get it. She's so "free-market" -- she wants Chinese-owned high throughput computing centers running within a mile of the fence of a US Air Force base that houses at least some portion. . . of our nuclear arsenal.

I think I have that down, about right, anyway.

Y I K E S.

Mr. Biden's Administration has forced the shutdown of this MineOne operation, nearly on the perimeter fence, at Warren AFB, with proof that though nominally a British Virgin Islands based entity, the ultimate owners are Chinese state actors.

The company may move its rigs more than a mile away from the fence, and re-open, though more likely than not... it won't. [I suspect it was less about spying, and more about disrupting communications with the silos -- in the event of the unthinkable.]

In sum, don't think crypto mining was ever the goal, in truth here.

But this should give the above GOP supplicant / Senator a wake-up call. . . about why she's in such a hurry to loosen all regulations, on all things. . . crypto.

Now you know.

Just. . . yikes.

Grinning. . . into a Spring rain, falling softly here now.



Anonymous said...

Absolutely~~~beautiful and motivational: https://apnews.com/article/teen-phd-doctorate-arizona-faabf1ca930f141f6a9690419d7a2b47

condor said...

Oh my!

Thank you so much, Anon. -- I hadn't seen this!


Will make it a new post, this evening. . . very awe-inspiring, and a Chi-girl to boot, with deep-roots here -- in direct activism!


Thanks so much. . . .

Anonymous said...

I did think you'd appreciate the Chi-town connection....