Saturday, May 18, 2024

Meanwhile, North Of The Border -- Amazon Loses Its First Union Vote Outside Montreal -- LAWU To Represent DXT4 Facility Workers...

It is -- as ever -- a game of two ahead, one back. Last night we mentioned the UAW coming up just short in Alabama; and we are a little late with this, but the first ever Canadian Amazon facility has unionized, outside Montreal.

So it is that disrespecting workers' dignity -- and the struggle / inability to make a living wage. . . are the central workplace issues of the day. Mr. Bezos ought to take heed. Here's the bit, from last week now:

. . .A group of some 200 workers are organizing as the Laval Amazon Workers Union under the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), which represents around 330,000 people across a variety of industries in Canada. A general assembly to decide on a constitution, bylaws and representatives will take place in the coming days. A consultation with union members will then take place to agree on a list of demands.

The union says Amazon is legally required to come to the negotiation table to hash out a contract. However, it expects Amazon to appeal the labor tribunal’s decision after allegedly attempting to stop the unionization efforts. . . .

In truth, you cannot boil the ocean with a Zippo lighter, Mr. Bezos. It is time to negotiate, and do so fairly -- for all Amazonians, some 1.5 million of them (including contractors) now. Onward.


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