Wednesday, May 15, 2024

[U -- mp3 file now linked in first paragraph.] Full En Banc Fifth Cir. Rehearing Completed Today, In Water Razor Wire Buoys Case Against Gov. Abbott's Boys.

The outcome will not change, though the reasoning may be revised. [Update: here is the full one hour and six minute argument audio, as an mp3 -- with poor audio quality (echoing) in the canvernous Cincy ceremonial courtroom.]

The ultra conservative Fifth Circuit consists of the below -- but the law is crystal clear: MAGA GOP Gov. Abbott must lose here, if the Supremacy Clause still means. . . anything. And it does. Texas has no right to interfere in border matters. . . ever. So -- now we wait.

. . .EN BANC ORAL ARGUMENT HEARD Richman, King, Jones, Smith, Stewart, Elrod, Southwick, Haynes, Graves, Higginson, Willett, Ho, Duncan, Engelhardt, Oldham, Wilson, Douglas, Ramirez En Banc. . . .

And yes, if need be, I am confident that the Supremes will right any mis-steps we may see flowing from this heavily red-shifted Fifth Circuit. Onward.


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