Friday, May 17, 2024

[U] Friday Funny: Is Rudy Giuliani... A Fugitive From Justice, Tonight?!

The Arizona Attorney General is apparently seeking the public's help in locating Mr. Giuliani -- to serve him with papers -- ordering him to appear on his indictment on election fraud crimes in Arizona. [Updated: the AZ AG says he's now been served, as of Saturday morning -- he must appear in court in Phoenix on the 21st. End update.]

But he cannot be found in Palm Beach, Florida -- at the moment.

So, a helpful local paper has put out a story, asking the public to keep an eye out for him. Of course, if he's a no show in court next week, an arrest warrant will be issued for him.

. . .If you see Rudy Giuliani, the Arizona Attorney General’s office can be reached at 602-542-5025. There’s also a tip submission area on their website which is . . .

Personally, it wouldn't shock me to learn that he's left the country -- headed for a non-extradition geography.

But I suppose it is possible that he's driving toward Arizona quietly, tonight, as well -- aware that he must appear.

The only place I can be certain he is not. . . is Havana. He'd be a marked man, there. [But he would be in a non-extradition location then.]

So could he be headed toward. . . Vlad's Moscow, Russia, or even Viktor's Budapest, Hungary?

What a wild wild time this is -- the former mayor of the Big Apple (and GOP royalty). . . on the lam?



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