Friday, May 24, 2024

[U, X3] Far Right Judicial Watch -- And Tommie Fitton -- Just Asserted That "Remedying Race Discrimination" Is NO "Compelling State Interest". WTH?!

I am very-unlikely to link any of the nut-job Fitton's filings, in the federal trial courts, here in Chicago. But be certain of this: I will link and quote at length the City of Evanston's answer, when filed, in Case No. 24-4269 (USDC, ND IL). [That's still probably about 60 days off now, but it will recite most of this, as well -- as historical fact.]

According to The Daily Northwestern, here -- loony Tom Fitton has recruited six non-African American Evanston residents to sign on to a specious strike suit, claiming that a city council vote to pay reparations (and the subsequent payments of $25,000 per family) violates the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause, as to these six whyte people.

But as ever, young Tommie Fitton (having lost many a prior federal suit along these lines) hasn't really thought his argument through, for if (as he claims) remedying past discrimination is not a compelling state interest, then his whyte plaintiffs cannot really complain when. . . discrimination happens to them. That's an "oh, well. . . too bad" moment, at most -- for them -- worthy of some cluck-cluck -- but little more.

His complaint specifically asserts the below, and I quote -- in blue:

. . .Remedying societal discrimination is not a compelling governmental interest. . . .

Of course, he is simply wrong on about 150 years of case law in the US, on this. But if he is right -- his own complaint should be bounced immediately. These jamokes are. . . such idiots. [To be clear, there is a compelling state interest, in remedying discrimination. And cities are granted fairly wide latitude, by polling their electorate, as to how they might go about such remedies.] In sum, Fitton will lose, and lose -- again.

And how small minded are these six sad, dead-ender mediocre [former] Evanstonians? Sheesh.

Onward, grinning just the same. [They are known to me -- but I will not disclose their identities, at least not yet. But eventually, they will be. . . outed -- in federal court, as their full government names appear in the federal filings. Charming. Utterly. . . charming.]

UPDATED, X2: I will mention the public record (paid) lawyer, however, that is acting as the local counsel -- for Fitton's Judicial Watch fringe group. She is apparently a Palatine Village Trustee. She litigates against other cities, on the basis of specious claims -- of reverse discrimination? Is this someone the people of Palatine want, as an elected Village Trustee? Let's. . . find out:


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