Thursday, March 7, 2024

Skewing Into The Whimsical, On A Thursday: "What Should The 'New' Logo(s) Be, Depending On Which Company Loses The Lanham Act Suit?"

Our ever-erstwhile Anon. commenter has put in mind of this -- once again.

We've repeatedly speculated on a whimsical name for the US entity, should it lose the Lanham Act suit -- though as I've long said, I don't think an outright loss of name is likely for the US-based entity.

But we've never deeply explored what might be the new name or logo, for the Darmstadt entity, should it turn up as the loser.

So -- without any ado -- see at right.

For the sake of a complete record, here below is our prior take, on the US rebrand (should it be forced to do so, by a court loss).

Onward, grinning.



Anonymous said...

ok..more whimsy....

If you remember the movie, V'ger wants to merge with the creator....the creator has to reset the code.....where is Decker when you need him......

condor said...

this is. . . excellent, Anon. No 2 --

It is fitting that you've found an update on the story of Voyager. We've covered exactly your version, in this whimsical 2022 post:

And a more serious, more recent update to it, here:

Those are just two of about ten on it here -- search "Voyager" in the upper left box on the main page!

Cheers -- and great stuff!

Onward, indeed. . . .