Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Trivia Break -- We Always Enjoy a Great Slice... But We'll Wait Until 1:59 pm, Tomorrow -- While Many Others Awaken At 1:59 am, To Celebrate...

I do love math -- yep, I'm a math nerd.

I devour off-kilter coincidences -- sometimes found in numbers. So, a small confession: quite a long while ago, while at the hospital awaiting the birth of our middle son (things were stalled at that point, so -- while watching Jordan get 45 in the Garden, and the purple M&M introduction turn the Empire State Building that shade). . . on a scrap of paper, I started sorting the digits of Pi into a pyramid. And it turns out that. . . if you break the top nine lines of the "pyramid" at the right spots, the edges are all identical. For at least the first 11 or so lines; and it forms a near perfect triangle, depending on the font.

Then, plainly overjoyed with my second's arrival, I promptly forgot about that scrap of paper, from the delivery room.

And. . . several decades later, one of my brothers picked up on the thought -- which I mentioned in a passing phone conversation. As he had lots of time on his hands, the mug at right resulted. Okay, now you know.

I won't rise at nearly 2 am -- I will wait until mid afternoon tomorrow -- but trust that I will partake of a slice of tart cherry pie, when I do. I'll wash it down with hot coffee and cream.

And think of the three dimensional pyramids, somewhere still lost to the sands of time -- and wonder whether the Egyptians or the Kushites. . . carved these same repeating-edge digits into the stone blocks on the corners (in some language we can no longer read).

Whoosh. Enjoy, one and all, come tomorrow -- whenever you celebrate that most useful of numbers!


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