Wednesday, March 27, 2024

In Gov. Abbott's Inhumane Floating Razor Wire Barrier Case, In The Rio Grande... The Feds Have Filed Added Authority To Dump Him, Overnight.

This should be over as soon as Judge Ezra calls the hearing -- there is no plausible basis for Texas to interfere in Mexico's treaties with the United States government -- now stretching back almost 180 years. None.

Here it is -- 20 pages, very well argued -- and a bit:

. . .A treaty’s provision for international dispute resolution mechanisms does not preclude its domestic enforcement through direct judicial application. The question is whether the text indicates the treatymakers understood the treaty’s dispute resolution provisions to preclude direct application. In Medellin, the Supreme Court found there was “no reason to believe that the President and Senate signed up” to make decisions of the International Court of Justice (“ICJ”) self-executing and enforceable in domestic courts because it would negate the treaty’s specific dispute mechanism, which afforded the United States an “unqualified right” to opt for noncompliance with an ICJ decision by vetoing any enforcement resolution in the U.N. Security Council. 552 U.S. at 510-11.

By contrast, giving direct effect to Article VII would not undermine Article XXI, which simply states that should certain disputes arise between the two countries, they will endeavor to resolve them without resorting to hostility or reprisals. . . .

That MAGA Gov. Abbott -- he's a whole tall juice-box of stoopid -- yes, with two "o's"! Damn.


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