Friday, March 15, 2024

Final Validation Of Merck's Keytruda In Front Lines -- Advanced Cervical Cancers, In Conjunction With Chemo...

We had mentioned that the interim readout allowed for an approval in first line cervical cancers, last year.

The definitive data is in, and it validates the FDA's early approval of this indication.

Good news for Rahway. . . to be sure, but completely. . . expected.

And as a bit of a tangent. . . worldwide, according to the WHO, cervical cancer is still the most common form of cancer that women face.

Many cogent oncologists, and infectious disease experts, argue there is strong evidence that cervical cancers stem (in part) from exposure to HPV (an STD). And Merck sells a very effective vaccine for HPV, but it obviously must be dosed before any exposure. Thus the argument for pre-teen vaccination. . . and the related push-back, from some parents who don't want to be seen as encouraging sexual experimentation, by their pre-teens. [My own view is that it is better to. . . accept the reality of these modern situations, as a parent, than to wish about a mythical world -- one that never really existed.]

So to return to the main point, this finding is. . . immaterial. Already priced in.

Onward, grinning to a fun lunch in the steel and glass canyons. . . be excellent to one another.


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