Tuesday, March 19, 2024

BHO 44 Has Posted His Men's And Women's 2024 Bracketology... And We Differ In Only Likely Immaterial Respects.

For well-over 14 years now, I've picked in March Madness against our former President; he's bested me all but three times. [You may see his hand-written 2024 picks, at barackobama.org -- here.]

I'll likely not post the full version of our completed / compared sheets (as I have, in past years), as we are very, very similar.

The graphic at right almost certainly sets out who will win this year, between us.

If Kentucky makes it to the Championship game, and loses to UConn, he wins our mini pool. If Marquette ends up as UConn's opponent, and loses to them. . . I will best him (though I do have the Buffs -- improbably, I admit -- meeting Marquette, but losing).

We will only revisit these prognostications, if somehow UConn gets knocked out before the Finals. Then the early games will matter, to deciding whose bracket beat. . . whom.

Onward. . . grinning. All green. . . all green. We both agree that Purdue makes the finals, and North Carolina rounds out my final four -- while Baylor is his fourth invitee, for the Final dance. [On women's side -- I see a rematch of last year, but this time, with Iowa's Kaitlin Clark besting Angel Reese & LSU; then beating SC in the Championship. Mr. Obama has SC winning it all.] Heh!



Anonymous said...

unreal: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/supreme-court-texas-immigration_n_65f9d8dee4b0d47c51003e7e

condor said...

I am looking at it now.

Depressingly wrong-headed. . . and will indeed cause chaos.

D A M N A T I O N.

This is an interim lifting of a stay -- but still.


condor said...

Here's the dissent:



condor said...

The claim by the Supremes (conservative majority) is that it will only be about a month. . . before the Fifth Circuit rules.

But people will be killed between now and then, by eager Texas Rangers.


condor said...

Thankfully, the Fifth Circuit panel acted again near midnight to block this Texas abomination.

Thanks for your bird-dogging, as ever Anon.!

Namaste. . . .