Monday, March 11, 2024

"Aren't You Late... For... JAIL, Mr. Trump?"

Apparently, Tangerine took to his dying social media site tonight -- to decry awards being given to [what he views as] politically correct causes. . . and actors.

But late in the broadcast, he renewed his feud with Jimmy Kimmel. So Kimmel decided to have fun with it, in near real time. He read Trump's blurb, word for word, on air. . . and then asked, incredulously. . .

"Gee. . . it is getting kinda' late out East. . . Mr. President, aren't you just a little late. . . for JAIL?!"

The crowd went. . . wild -- laughing in raucous fashion.

So. . . [except for about 5% of America] all Cheeto-lini achieved tonight. . . was to forcefully remind the rest of us that he is a petty, vain, thin-skinned bitter old man, and that he is indeed eventually headed to. . . prison.

Well done dotard. . . well done.


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