UPDATED @ 4 pm EST -- Federal agencies (DHS and CBP) have just called BS on the Paxton prevarication below.
Read this later in the day filing, from the feds to catch up on the verified state of the play, here -- as opposed to Texas's lies. And recognize that the Supremes have told the feds they may properly remove the barriers -- just as this same trial judge ruled, in early September 2023.
Vulnerable humans / asylum seekers are dying and being lacerated, as a result of Gov. Abbott's and AG Paxton's Cold War style cruelties. This needs to end right now. End, updated portion.
Texas just filed a willfully false sworn pleading in the Western District of Texas.
What. The. Actual. Hell?!
See the middle of page 8 -- the Supremes themselves are aware that three asylum seekers died in the river last week. The photos in evidence flat out contradict what State of Texas guard / police / rangers are swearing to, here -- under oath:
. . .The buoys have now been in the Rio Grande for more than seven months. During that time, Texas has continued to maintain around-the-clock surveillance. See ECF 26-2 at ¶ 12. Not one person has been harmed by contact with the buoys. . . .
I suppose the only way to read that, and not see perjury -- is to assume Texas doesn't regard the people who drowned, and were lacerated in the water. . . as people, at all.
They are. . . chattels to Texas.

Who. Are. These. Miscreants!?
The state of Texas knows it has lost, and is trying to avoid a trial on the merits down in the federal district court -- where the Supremes' ruling of yesterday argues powerfully that Texas has no standing to keep the razor wire in place. The District Judge already ordered its removal. And he is moving forward to finalize that order, based on the Supremes' precedent.
So Gov. Abbott's people. . . simply lie -- to try to stave this off.
I N S A N E.
on another topic: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/23/health/fda-cancer-car-t-warning.html. Therapy is still worthwhile but, potential serious side-effects
Yes. It is a real issue. And (in the main) CAR-T therapies are being deployed only in very dangerously ill, "last option" patients.
As with all "last resort" options, we should expect some. . . problems with off target risks:
". . .The agency noted that the benefits still outweighed the risks of the therapy, which involves removing a type of white blood cells — T cells — and then genetically engineering them to create proteins called chimeric antigen receptors (CAR). Infused back into a patient’s blood, the engineered cells allow the T cells to attach to cancer cells and kill them. . . .
Cancer patients who receive CAR-T treatments tend to have few options left, and would be unlikely to alter course even with the new warning, said Dr. John DiPersio, an oncologist with Washington University in St. Louis.. . . ."
Very tough choices -- for patients who find themselves in this unfortunate boat.
Namaste -- great input!
Do stop back by. . . .
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