Wednesday, January 24, 2024

This Is What "Dare Mighty Things"... Looks Like: Now Two Decades Of Wheels Rolling -- And Mobile Science -- 140 Million Miles Off, On Mars.



Two amazing, wholly self correcting wheeled explorers on Barsoom. In the last three years, they've been joined by. . . winged ones -- a helicopter, on the red planet. And its own later gen wheeled rover. These rovers, and copters, are performing well beyond their designed specs. This is top notch, zero mistakes engineering at work:

. . .On the 20th anniversary of the landing of Spirit and Opportunity, celebrate NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Project with this two-sided poster that lists some of the pioneering explorers’ accomplishments on the Red Planet. . . .

Now you know. "Mars, she rises like a hot coal, in the night -- with a moan."

Smiling now, into an even warmer rain tonight -- and London like fogs, rolling in over the snow. . . .


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