Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sure -- It's A First Straw Poll, In Fort Lupton -- But She Finished... Fifth (~10%). Damn.

As I said on New Year's Day. . . "Personally, I think she may lose even out East -- as her personality is so toxic, to most decent farmers and ranchers. We shall see. . . ."

Welp. We are. . . seeing. Her new district seems "on" -- to her schtick.

And even though the Fourth District tends to be purple to red, as much of it lies in agricultural or cattle ranch land... Coloradans are to a person, fiercely independent -- and as a rule, very solidly-behind good, clean, no graft government. And she is the opposite of all that.

As a Tangerine mini-me, she's "been weighed, measured. . . and found. . . wanting.

This will be true -- no matter where inside the Centennial State she next launches.

Couldn't happen to a nicer. . . troll. Yes, a first poll, but likely the way most see her.

H I L A R I O U S.



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