Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Gov. Abbott's Lawyer, In His Complete Loss On The Land Razor Wire Cases (Eagle Pass / Del Rio) Won't Argue The Fifth Circuit Appeal Of That Loss.

Texas Deputy Solicitor General Ari Cuenin has left the offices of state government, in Texas.

No reason was made public -- my guess is he will soon turn up in private practice, somewhere -- but that announcement has not yet been press released.

With the argument in the case at right due to take place in about 24 elapsed days (in the first week of February, 2024) -- his underling, Aaron L. Nielson, will now handle the (likely losing appellate) argument in Houston. Here's that bit from a filing tonight on the PACER docket:

. . .I write to advise the Court that Deputy Solicitor General Ari Cuenin has left the employment of the Office of the Attorney General.

Undersigned counsel requests that the Court permit Mr. Cuenin to withdraw from the representation of Appellants in this matter. Aaron L. Nielson previously filed a notice of appearance and will serve as lead counsel in this matter. . . .

I suppose it is possible he no longer wishes to be associated with people who want to see children's flesh lacerated by concertina wire. I dunno. We will see where he turns up. Onward, into a very frigid January night, here.


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