Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Gov. Abbott Is Intentionally Allowing Babies And Women To Drown, At Eagle Pass, Texas. He Is... Preventing Them From Being Rescued By CBP & DHS...

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott is now. . . literally indelibly stained, with the blood of drowned babies and women at Eagle Pass, along the Rio Grande in Texas. The temperatures were in single digits along that stretch in the evenings of King Weekend, 2024. What is normally a brisk but crossable river. . . became a death trap if one cannot swim very swiftly -- a distance of over 250 yards, due to the plunging temps.

So. . . the responsible federal CBP and DHS agents just swore out an affidavit in front of the United States Supreme Court to that effect, this afternoon. And Texas delights in these. . . killings.

It would be difficult to overstate the depravity at work here, by Texas. Gov. Abbott has apparently ordered his Texas agents to ignore the terms of both a district court's, and the Fifth Circuit's orders. CBP is to be granted access, unfettered, in "emergency situations" under both those orders. But Texas State Guard supervisors are explicitly prevented from complying with the federal court orders. This case warrants a summary dissolution of the prior injunctions.

Not only is Gov. Abbott directly ignoring the exclusive federal jurisdiction for border matters, he is intentionally killing would be asylum seekers. So it is, that the Mexican government has had to alert its federal counterparts, rather than the Texas State Troopers, due to non-cooperation by Texas, with their federal betters. Here is the latest sworn pleading from the federal agencies (and Abbott will have much to explain, to his maker. . . when he seeks entrance at the pearly gates -- as he has claimed he believes in such things):

. . .On January 12, 2024, at approximately 9:00 p.m., Mexican officials advised Border Patrol of two migrants in distress on the U.S. side of the river in the area near the Shelby Park boat ramp. App., infra, 2a. Mexican officials also informed Border Patrol that three migrants -- one woman and two children -- had drowned at approximately 8:00 p.m. in the same area. . . .

[A] Supervisory [federal] Border Patrol Agent went to the Shelby Park entrance gate and informed the guardsmen from the Texas National Guard stationed there of the drowned migrants and the migrants in distress. Ibid. Speaking through the closed gate, the guardsmen refused to let the Acting Supervisor enter because they had been ordered not to allow Border Patrol access to the park. Id. at 2a3a. The Acting Supervisor requested to speak with the guardsmen’s supervisor to relay the seriousness of the situation. Id. at 3a. The guardsmen at the gate called the Texas National Guard Staff Sergeant on speakerphone. Ibid. The Border Patrol Acting Supervisor again explained the situation, but the Staff Sergeant likewise denied the Acting Supervisor access, conveying that Border Patrol was not permitted to enter the area “even in emergency situations.” Ibid. Instead, the Staff Sergeant sent Texas guardsmen to investigate. . . .

The following day [January 13, 2024], Mexican officials confirmed to Border Patrol that the two migrants who Mexican officials had reported were in distress on the U.S. side had attempted to return to Mexico and were rescued by a Mexican government airboat while suffering from hypothermia. App., infra, 3a. Mexican officials also confirmed that they had recovered the bodies of the three drowned migrants and had rescued two additional migrants who had attempted to cross that night. . . .

I am utterly disgusted by the MAGA wing of the GOP -- and by the "normie" GOP. . . which will do nothing to end this fascists' reign of terror in Texas, and increasingly -- in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi, as well.

It is past time for the Supremes to act. Else, this blood is on their hands, as well.

Onward resolutely, just the same.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, it is all about the $. Abbott carries on this way as it gets him $$$: https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/education/2024/01/17/474619/texas-gov-greg-abbott-gets-6m-campaign-donation-from-out-of-state-school-voucher-champion/