Friday, January 5, 2024

A Now Bubbling Cauldron: Tangerine Now Likely DQ-ed From Five States' Ballots... Hilarious

To be clear -- I still think it wiser to beat him outright at the ballot box, and end his ersatz martyrdom schtick.

But two more states have now moved to keep Tangerine off the ballots (technically, one is a Commonwealth, but you get the main idea).

As I said previously, the burden of this much litigation alone, just to get on the ballot, state by state. . . may well mean that the GOP must choose another at its convention -- as a nominee for 1600 Penn, in 2024.

And we all know. . . then, Trump will launch a Quixotic third party bid.

So no matter how you slice it, the GOP winds up as colossal losers.

What's not. . . to like?

Even if the Supremes rule he may stay on all state ballots. . . his own chaos brand is now the karma. . . spinning out, against


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