Monday, January 22, 2024

[U] 5-4 -- Supremes Hold That Mr. Biden May End TX GOP Gov. Greg Abbott's Cruel And Lawless Use Of Razor Wire Barriers, Against Asylum Seekers. Excellent.

Well. . . .

It took almost six months, but that's effectively game over -- for this particularly heinous part of Texas's "Operation Lone Star". States do not have the right to usurp federal control of border matters. Period. Here was my "hot take" comment on it. [Update -- and to make my hot take accurate, replace Barrett with Gorsuch, throughout, below. W I L D.] Woot!

. . .I'd say. . . "winning ugly is STILL. . . winning!"

It means Chief Justice Roberts voted that razor wires by Texas violate our treaties and the US immigration laws.

Not sure who might have been the fifth vote, but the Chief is certainly among the five.

And while some people still believe each Justice decides these matters utterly. . . independently (in some ivory tower -- that is not remotely the reality. . . these folks more than occasionally eat lunch together; go to the theater, or opera, together and function like any other social group), so I'm gonna' bet that once Gorsuch Barrett saw Roberts was moving to dissolve the injunction (previously in favor of Texas). . . she likely didn't want to be on the wrong side of history.

So. . . the holdouts were most likely Thomas (of course!), Alito, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Barrett.

Namaste. . . .

Now you know. With A H/T to Anon.!



Anonymous said...

ABC News is reporting ACB was vote 5. Both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are either posturing or merely hypocritical and morally bankrupt.

condor said...

Yes. Barrett is. . . a surprise to me. I saw her as a person in the mold of Mike Pence. Perhaps she. . . isn't.

And the four dissenters are all. . . immoral.

Sadly, I think Kavanaugh "truly believes" -- much like Alito.

And after penning the "on the basis of sex" holding, in Bostock -- I though Gorsuch was better than this.

Apparently he is not.

He may be the one who most just "went along with" Alito & Thomas, even though in his heart he knows it is wrong. . . because he still wants invites to Federalists' dinners.


Ugh. . . .