Friday, December 1, 2023

Well -- After The End Of February 2024... Additional Delays In The Multi-Billion Dollar "Merck v. Merck" Name Fight Will Be... Over: USMJ Hammer.

We have our answer (teed up by the post of last night). This adjournment of the final pre-trial conference. . . is the erh. . . FINAL one.

There will be no more delay allowed. If the parties genuinely intend to settle -- they will have to do so while meeting all the remaining trial calendar dates -- in the USDC for the District of New Jersey. Here's that order, just entered this morning:

. . .TEXT ORDER: The Court has reviewed the parties' November 30, 2023 joint letter [D.E. 235].

Defense counsel's request to adjourn the Final Pretrial Conference is granted. The Final Pretrial Conference shall take place in-person on February 29, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the Undersigned's courtroom. There shall be no further adjournments for any reason.

So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer on 12/1/23. . . .

Now you know -- onward to a snowy weekend ahead -- it is increasingly. . . the Season, too. . . with only three weeks until the desert heat and sunshine. Grin.


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