Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Lunacy -- Out Of Texas, And Its Local GOP Politicians... Has Been Obvious, For Decades -- But This May Take The Cake.

After the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, coupled to a fairly uncommon feature of Colorado state law. . . meant that Tangerine's name cannot be placed on primary, or general ballots in that state -- since he is an insurrectionist (as were all officers of the Confederate Army -- after 1865). . . Texas' sitting Lt. Governor Patrick said he might seek to remove Mr. Biden's name from that state's ballots. Charming.

Come -- let us reason, together: Mr. Trump is a four time, 93 count indicted felony defendant; and was twice impeached, whilst in office. All these are for crimes against the ordered liberty America enjoys.

Even if one disagrees with Mr. Biden's border policies (that was Mr. Patrick's "hook", for the threat). . . no one seriously disputes that the executive branch (Mr. Biden) is given exclusive authority over immigration policy (limited only by the guardrails of the US Constitution -- which is why Tangerine was stopped from separating families at the border, BTW). There is no indictment -- no impeachment -- not even a credible allegation about him, even related to his son.

So -- just as then GOP Gov. Perry was, about 12 years ago (see legacy graphic at right). . . this current Texas GOP must be seen as a force largely for fascism -- and against the will of the people. . . of the other 49 states. Back then, Perry tried vainly to prevent Obamacare from aiding millions of Texas' poorest citizens. [He failed -- as Abbott and Paxton and Patrick, are failing, this afternoon.]


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