Monday, December 11, 2023

Part II -- Of The Nine Cowards -- On The Supreme Court Of Texas. Disgusting.

The Texas Supremes now know they've awakened the righteous indignation of all educated Texans, but especially the women of Texas. What else might explain this frankly BS opinion's issuance, only after Ms. Cox's counsel let it be known by press release that she's left the state (since the Texas Supremes on Friday night had effectively blocked her right to a medically necessary abortion -- as determined by her own physician)? Nothing else.

I won't quote the odious sophistry of the Texas Supreme Court. These (at the moment, entirely) political creatures have twisted themselves -- and the rules of civil procedure in Texas -- into a pretzel, to avoid admitting the obvious: the sitting Attorney General of Texas, on this past Friday, openly threatened in a public press release he posted to Xitter -- that he would bring felony charges against any hospital or clinic that aided Ms. Cox -- or her physician. AG Paxton himself wrote:

. . .[Anyone] allowing an abortion to proceed will not insulate hospitals, doctors, or anyone else, from civil and criminal liability for violating Texas abortion loss. This includes first-degree felony prosecutions. . . .

That is simply a gestapo tactic -- one the highest court of Texas ought (if it had any respect for ordered liberty under the rule of law) to admonish him against, and perhaps even sanction him, for a false public statement about what Texas law actually provides. That was an en terrorem and falsely premised attempt -- and as hideous as it was. . . it turned out to be momentarily effective (yet and still, she will be vindicated, in Colorado or Illinois or California).

Paxton drove Ms. Cox out of the state.

It matters not a whit, that tonight the Texas Supremes only vaguely imply he hasn't that authority. They could have ruled he was out of bounds. They did not. They never breathed a peep about it -- at all.

They were willfully blind to the threats made, lawlessly -- as an absolutely crystal clear abuse of his office. . . and instead published a half-assed, chicken-feed opinion, saying that doctors themselves (perhaps with some future guidance from a Texas medical board) must risk criminal prosecution, if AG Paxton remains in office.

That is, these Texas Supremes won't rule that any given situation. . . is a reasonable medical judgment. They. . . punted -- when there could scarcely be a clearer case that the medically necessary exemption ought to cover.

Cowardice -- that is what rules the Texas GOP Supreme Court. Nothing more. Out.


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