Saturday, December 16, 2023

On The Costs, Of Speaking Truth To Power -- Even When The Jury Confirms A $148 Million Verdict In Your Favor...

Let's be clear: this is a civil rights story -- not just a defamation/legal one.

Yes, Rudy is a national public figure (and reprobate). But as EW and many others have said since last night -- this is about a mother and daughter who've had to change their names, move carefully, and more than once -- into hiding. They essentially live as though they are in a witness protection program (due to relentless and often racially-tinged death threats, from MAGAts).

All because the guy leaking brown goo from his head (formerly a US Attorney, and formerly, the Mayor of New York), under the TV lights -- targeted them. Yet. . . and still. . . they. . . rise. Here's a bit:

. . .Good evening everyone. I am Lady Ruby. Today’s a good day. A jury stood witness to what Rudy Giuliani did to me and my daughter and held him accountable. And for that I’m thankful. Today is not the end of the road. We still have work to do.

Rudy Giuliani was not the only one who spread lies about us, and others must be held accountable too. But that is tomorrow’s work. For now, I want people to understand this. Money will never solve all of my problems. I can never move back to the house that I called home. I will always have to be careful about where I go and who I choose to share my name with. I miss my home, I miss my neighbors, and I miss my name. . . .

This -- this courage, under fire -- should be the central narrative arc, out of Rudy's complete loss. Please share this wherever you can. Onward.


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