Friday, December 15, 2023

Next Gen Version -- Of An Uncrewed Mini-Shuttle... Now Approaching Reality, At NASA And Its Colorado Based Partners...

The reusable space cargo hauler issue. . . is as old as space travel itself.

And this is the latest suggestion, to address the spotty record of Mr. Musk's offerings. I am not throwing a dart -- space is, as we always say. . . "hard". Really hard. But we cannot be reliant on only one source of supply in this arena -- or even two. So, here is the latest:

. . .The Dream Chaser cargo system, manufactured by Sierra Space in Louisville, Colorado, consists of two major elements: the Dream Chaser spacecraft and the Shooting Star cargo module. As a lifting body spacecraft, Dream Chaser is designed to be reused up to 15 times, and is modified from the HL-20 spacecraft developed at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.

The space plane’s cargo module companion, Shooting Star, is designed to support delivery and disposal of pressurized and unpressurized cargo to and from the space station. The cargo module can be used only once and is disposed of prior to re-entry. . . .

Now you know -- what a prodigious time to be alive!


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