Thursday, December 28, 2023

[U] Maine Joins Colorado: Tangerine Bounced Off ‘24 Ballots.

Updated 12.29.2023 @ Noon: California's Sec. of State (as am I) is sure it is better to just beat the pants off him at the ballot box, come November 2024. . . and avoid his grievance whining altogether. So that state will leave things wherever the GOP settles, on its ultimate candidate. This in no manner makes Colorado or Maine wrong. It is just a "Plato's wager" of sorts, now in the Golden Bear state. End, update.

I am virtually certain he'll lose in any event, but the Fourteenth Amendment DQ is legally sound.

And each state should decide for itself, in the GOP's own states' rights philosophy. And so, here's the latest:

. . .Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows paused her decision pending a potential appeal in state court, which Trump’s team said they intend to file.

The decision makes Maine the second state to disqualify Trump from office, after the Colorado Supreme Court handed down its own stunning ruling that removed him from the ballot earlier this month. The development is a significant victory for Trump’s critics, who say they’re trying to enforce a constitutional provision that was designed to protect the country from anti-democratic insurrectionists. . . .

Onward, grinning. . . live by the sword; perish by it, as well.


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